ASD Parent Portal
Upcoming Events
Session 2 (8week session)
Full Body Flex + Barrdio
Thursday's 1/9, 1/16, 1/23, 1/30, 2/6, 2/13, 2/27, 3/6
4/15- 4/22
Classes Resume Monday, February 24, 2025
June 6th and June 7th
Niagara Falls High School
"Intro to Dance"
Me and Mini Me, Toddler Tumble, Dancers Debut and our 3-6 Intensive Program
Broken up into 3 separate levels to accommodate age, ability and correct progression. An intro to Tap, Jazz, Ballet and Acro classes all combined into one class per week! Dancers must be potty-trained in order to take the 1st, 2nd or 3rd year Intensive class. Me & Mini Me and Toddler/Dancers Debut classes do not need to be potty-trained in order to enroll.
Me & Mini Me: ages 1.5-3 yrs.
Adult taking class with young dancer
Toddler Tumble: ages 2-5 yrs.
No adult accompaniment
Dancers Debut: ages 2-3 yrs.
No adult accompaniment
3-6 Intensive Program: ages 3-6 yrs.
No adult accompaniment
Come Join A Great Team!
ASD Performance Team:
Ages 4-6 (Premie League) Can participate in community events accompanied by a parent/adult
Ages 7+ Must enroll in Jazz & Technique. Performs in parades, community events and extra performances
ASD AllStar Competitive Team:
Ages 6+ Must be enrolled in Tap, Jazz, Ballet & Technique. The amount of ballet classes required depends on the age of the dancer. This includes participation on the ASD Performance Team, our opening number and the ability to apply for Specialty Choreography. If interested more information can be email to you.
ASD Elite Team:
Please email the studio for more information!
Private/Specialty Lesson
We offer individual private lessons to all dancers that are interested.
Please email for additional information!
Specialty Instruction- Solo's, Duet, Trio's and Small Groups can be applied for by AllStar Team Members ONLY. Applications available at the front desk.